Service Learning
There are many opportunities for students, staff and families to get involved with service at CCC. Students can also choose to get involved outside the classroom at a local, wider community or international level. Service is the outward expression of Jesus’ command, love one another as I have loved you. To do this requires an attitude of the heart and a change of thinking which shifts our focus from self to others.
Since 2006 our school has been working in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands, providing resources, teaching and fellowship. Student and staff teams have been involved in many projects including establishing the first Christian radio station in the west, rebuilding our sister school after the 2007 earthquake, and dental hygiene/reading glasses clinics. We are also proud to call Maravari Primary our sister school and enjoy the ongoing mutual benefit that comes from this rich connection.

The Cooloola Christian College Outback Service Trip focusses on serving God and serving others through the gifts and abilities He has blessed us with. The trip is an incredible opportunity for young people to step outside their comfort zone and reach out to others from different cultures and backgrounds. The Outback Service team will travel from Gympie to a number of rural and indigenous communities including Charleville, Quilpe, Wyandra and Cunnamulla. The team will be partnering with local churches, Chaplains and organisations to undertake visits to local primary schools and nursing homes, as well as property visits and the organisation of community events for children and families.

Our Primary student fundraising organisation established in 2009, has raised considerable funds to assist children in need after natural disasters, and to support the work of various charities that work with children including Hope Reigns, Jake Garrett foundation, Eagles Wings Orphanages in China, Red Cross and others.

Committed to liberating enslaved children around the world and restoring those who have been abused, Destiny Rescue is a Christian organisation we are proud to support. Each year our students seek sponsorship to Make a Stand to help free children and bring hope.

Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is a project of Samaritan’s Purse. It partners with local churches in developing nations to reach out to children by providing gift-filled shoeboxes and bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ. CCC students and families participate in this project each year by filling boxes to send overseas.

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