Transition to life beyond school

At Cooloola Christian College our Senior Phase of learning begins in Year 10. Our students spend time considering their skills and their dreams for the future. Towards the end of Year 10 students develop their Senior Education & Training (SET) Plan in conjunction with staff and parents. At CCC we offer three pathways. We have a wide array and arrangement of subjects for our academic pathway. Partnering with that is our VET pathway that works with TAFE and other training organisations for those completing certificates, traineeships and apprenticeships. We are also excited, as a Christian school, to offer a ministry pathway for students to grow and develop their faith, and recognise the skills that God has blessed them with.

The College seeks to give every student opportunity to discover their gifts (academic and non-academic), in a community of students, teachers and parents, striving to be faithful to God in all areas of life.

Our Independent Learning Centre provides opportunities for our students to engage with external studies such as Headstart, vocational courses, and school-based traineeships.

Our Graduates are creative and critical thinkers, compassionate students who love to serve, ethical and moral decision makers, informed and responsible citizens, learners for life and positive contributors to our community and world. To find out why our Graduates are so well equipped and ready to embark on the next stage of their life journey, contact us today.

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