Learning opportunities for every child

Our Junior Secondary curriculum bridges the gap between Primary and Senior Phase by supporting, stimulating and challenging students. Our Junior Secondary curriculum aims to meet the needs of young maturing adolescents. As students proceed through Years 7-10 they will progress from teacher directed study to increasingly self-motivated and self-directed study, utilising the teacher as one of many resources contributing to their learning journey.

Year 7 is a transition year, a time for students to mature, gain greater independence and prepare for Years 8 and 9 and beyond. 

Through Year 7 key teachers lead the core subjects English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Pastoral Care/ Biblical Studies. Specialist subject teachers are responsible for the additional offerings of Art, Drama, Music, Technology, Outdoor Education, and Health & Physical Education. Through Years 8 -10 students work with a range of teachers who take responsibility for Core and Elective subjects.

The College has a compulsory BYOD laptop program for students in Years 7 to 12. This is backed by our robust, high-speed wireless network and internet access that is filtered to ensure students are kept safe online. Classwork and assessment items that were traditionally paper-based are now completed and assessed electronically, reducing paper usage and preparing students for work and life after high school. Microsoft Office 365 email, cloud storage, and productivity software, as well as software required for specialist classes,  are provided by the College, and our IT Technicians are available throughout the school day to quickly resolve any technical issues students may be having.

Through Year 7-10 students have many co-curricular opportunities such as Futsal, CCC Build, and Beyond the Classroom experiences. 

Students requiring extra assistance continue to be supported through our Enrichment Unit and MLC (Multi-Level Classroom).

The wellbeing of students is paramount at CCC. The Ready to Learn space provides support and pastoral care for all students from Prep to Year 12.  Support such as Restorative Practice, Zones of Regulation, BEAR, and Responsible Thinking provide students with the necessary tools to succeed inside and outside the classroom.

In Year 9, students also participate in The RITE Journey as a pastoral care program. The program strives to equip young people, as they mature and start to step out of their childhood years into the magnificent future that God has planned for them.

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